
Need 2 Vent.. same shit same matter same me


Hey look at me Think back and talk to me Did I grow up according to plan? And do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do? But it hurts when you disapprove all along And now I try hard to make it I just want to make you proud I'm never gonna be good enough for you I can't pretend that I'm alright And you can't change me Cause we lost it all Nothing lasts forever I'm sorry I can't be perfect Now it's just too late and we can't go back I'm sorry I can't be perfect I try not to think about the pain I feel inside Did you know you used to be my hero? All the days you spent with me Now seem so far away And it feels like you don't care anymore And now I try hard to make it I just want to make you proud I'm never gonna be good enough for you I can't stand another fight And nothing's alright Cause we lost it all Nothing lasts forever I'm sorry I can't be perfect Now it's just too late and we can't go back I'm sorry I can't be perfect Nothing’s gonna change the things that you said And nothing's gonna make this right again Please don't turn your back I can't believe it's hard just to talk to you But you don't understand...

Same shit, diff time zone.
This was a message I just discovered and it was in the year 2008. I was pretty down as usual, and my friend "I" came to talk to me. Now I do miss him a bit, this remind me that i haven't talk to him for more than 2 years, probably I pissed him off that night. *Sorry* i gotta apologize for all my dearest friends who came to me when i was down. I really can't pretend to be the NICE-MAG. so please forgive me for acting like an ass/ or the crying baby. (just like the picture above.)

熊 says: (3:26:03 PM)
美姬 says: (3:26:16 PM)
熊 says:(3:26:35 PM)
熊 says:(3:26:42 PM)
i dont know should i say it
but a...
熊 says: (3:27:08 PM)
I dont think critizing ur parent in public is a good idea
they will be very sad...if they know it

熊 says: (3:27:45 PM)
they probably nv know...
but....it is pretty sad if u put urself in their position

美姬 says: (3:27:59 PM)
ok. whatever. (- Mag: dude, that's why i m using english. lol -)
熊 says: (3:28:21 PM)
if u dont like it ...just ignore it..

熊 says: (3:28:26 PM)
i mean what i said
美姬 says: (3:29:23 PM)
i m not going to take back watever i said. so dont care and tbh i m v frustrated now.
熊 says: (3:29:42 PM)
just cheer up
美姬 says: (3:29:58 PM)
can u cheer up now?
熊 says: (3:30:06 PM)
it is weird why u still didnt get used to it
熊 says: (3:30:08 PM)
me cheer up ?
what do u mean?
cheer up for u?

美姬 says: (3:30:34 PM)
.....y for me
for wat u ve been thu

熊 says: (3:30:50 PM)

美姬 says: (3:30:53 PM)
it's not get used to it
熊 says:(3:30:53 PM)
i got what u mean
熊 says: (3:30:59 PM)
no..i cant
美姬 says: (3:31:23 PM)
he told me everyday i m so freaking old and i got no time to play/ or try around
美姬 says: (3:31:27 PM)
美姬 says: (3:31:35 PM)
watever. i dont really want to talk abt him
熊 says: (3:31:41 PM)
well....if this case
then....u should keep in mind that
there is at least one person is going thought sth much shitty than urs

熊 says: says: (3:31:45 PM)
i guess.
美姬 says: (3:33:24 PM)
i only know i m in hell now
熊 says: (3:33:35 PM)
u are my fd and i dont want to see sad
but i guess there is nothing i can do

熊 says:(3:33:35 PM)
熊 says: (3:33:39 PM)
good luck
hope they will be better to u then
美姬 says: (3:34:18 PM)
i think never. whatever i did is wrong, whatever i did is not enough.
熊 says: (3:35:51 PM)
then i hope u get used to it

So I guess.
This will never end.
and I have find a way to end it.

I am sorry I can't be perfect.


Anonymous said...

世上沒有父母不愛自己的兒女 只是各持己見令大家越來越走得遠 越來越偏激 惡性循環 分歧陪增

人多數認為自己的理據是對的 尤其是在對立的時候 一枝竿是敲不響的 大家在維護自己理據的時候 會用一些傷害得對方最深的語言 還會做一些對方最討厭的事情 他有錯 難道妳自己一點錯都沒有 人是不能看到自己的背面

問題是由誰來打破這個互相傷害的惡性循環 就算他們全錯又如何 莫非一定要老人家低聲下氣 妳是信主的 有學識的 這一切問題都不可以用愛和智慧去解決嗎

可否跟爸爸說 爸爸 我們大家都有對錯 我已經忘記了 我依然愛你 你可以忘記我的錯嗎 我只有一個爸爸 女兒會離開不健康的生活 我會有分寸 女兒可以跟爸爸談心事嗎 爸爸可以接受女兒 信任女兒嗎

沒錯 這需要很大勇氣 比離家出走所需要的勇氣更大 而且問題未必一次過可以解決 求耶和華給妳力量吧 當妳每次想發怒或想放氣的時候 跟主說 求主耶穌給我力量啊

妳是可以做得到的 只要信 不要怕 主耶穌祝福妳

Maggie™ said...

thanks! rlly hope god will take care of everything.

Anonymous said...

You do your best, and God takes care of the rest. =)