
LK Annual Dinner

Company Annual Dinner

Finally got some time to put up the pictures, damn, i was so busy this couple days, i don't even know why. :P Anyway, it was a fun day....
I was kind of nervous that day because obviously Mr. Boss think it's boring to just have dinner with the whole company. He came up with the idea that all us have to do a talent show, competing for $6800. I was kind of pissed at the other designers (shuu...) because apparently design department are the least talented and creative department out of others, we couldn't settle for anything until one day before the dinner, and what we came up was really lame. (Anyway, it's over. Hopefully next year, we won't have to do sth like this.. cross my fingers n toes.)

Before the show

Can you find me? hehe...

Preparation.. (Look at all those props.. we made it. oh well, i mean some other designers did it, not me. i was busy doing sth more important, eg: msn)


Administrative Dept - Eric, one of our two male staffs, made us a Scottish wine cocktails. (wait, i kind of forgot, is that Scottish? or Holland? or some other places... maybe British .. never know how it tastes, coz I was not the one who try them. :P )

Administrative Dept - Preformed Wonder Girl's "Nobody".
Great job, they did great; great outfit, great choreography, great lighting, no wonder they won the $6,800.

Sales - Wing's Team (in case you can't see them well, Wing in purple legging trying to do the lion dance....lol) Good job Wing, it's hilarious!!

umm, in our HK office, the ratio between male n female employees are very uneven. We have 60+ girls, and 2 guys only... ||| (and most of our girls are young and pretty. what happen to our BOSS, why only hot babes? I want cute guys...!!! )

Iris, Maggie, Clory

Clory, Fiona, Zoe

Sales (International) Dept. + boss in gray sweater..

Shipping Dept.

Boss's wife and cute son. :)

Time for lucky draw..
this year , the 1st winner can get $18,000, 2nd winner get $8,800, 3rd winner get $6,800 and 4th winner get $3,800 ... and those we are not lucky still get $800 cash. (so basically everyone will get at least $800. lol) I was texting/ MSNing non-stop after my performance, (My heart was bumping FAST) I didn't even know what's going on, till I heard someone was calling my name: MAGGIE LAM (What? me? What? Seriously?) I put down my iphone and went up stage.

and look what I GOT: wwahahahhaha CASH...CASH...CASH...
(I was holding the $, Christine's hands in the left (with purple nails), and Wing's in the right. (with cute diamond ring frm her bf. :D))

Oh my GOD....

The $18,000 winner (girl in yellow sweater)....

damn, she is so so so LUCKY.

so our company states that the first 3 winners have to take out 20% and buy the whole company lunch. (Luckily i was the 4th. :P)

First lunch:
We ordered like crazy, basically we ordered whatever we want since we don't have to PAY at all.
Look at those dim sums....

Blind them, i guess. :D

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