
Stanley Sunday

Last Sunday, i woke up at 10am, thinking if we are really going to Stanley. (Actually Wing told me on friday we are going to, but somehow I am not very sure. I thought she is going to call on sat to confirm, but she didn't. So i was still in my warm and confortable bed till 10:30am, (I was supposed to meet with Wing, Christine and Carol at 11:00am) ... haha, turned out I was late as usual. :P Sorry girls.)

Haven't come to Stanley for....... um, no idea how long, I feel like the last time was in middle school or maybe longer. (wow, it's pretty long time.)

Anyway, Wing - the real local who knows everything - knows how to get there, so i don't need to worry about getting lost. :P (PS: i am the local who knows nothing. :P)

The pier
I think we can take the tiny boat to some nearby islands..

Some kind of mark, i wonder what it means..I can't read acient Chinese.

Wing and Christine



(L-R) Christine, Wing and Carol

(L-R) Me, Christine and Carol
It was so windy that day, wind were blowing from all directions, it's so difficult to get a nice picture. I had tons of pictures with my hair all around my face, messy. And Wing kept taking pictures of us. Sigh, I totally forgot to bring my camera.

Street View (nth special, DB is 10 million times better I think. Sigh, I want to go to DB.)

Wow, XXXXL.. it's HUGE...... (umm, i feel small standing next to it.)

At the beach


Tiny Quail Egg. (One of the traditional HK snacks, but it's very rare, you can barely find the wooderb cart that sells quail egg now.... )and this is not a DOG POOP, Winnie!

Since all the girls are all dressed up (kinda), not too ready for walking on the sands (look at Wing, she has her heels on. :P hehe, I got my sandals on, I'm so ready for BEACH, what I need is the SUN and BIKINI~)

Anyway, we decided to just sit down at the stairs and gossip... and of course we took PICTURES. That's what we do when we are bored.

Me, Christine and Wing
We took pictures...stupid one. (HA~of course I'm not gonna show you guys.)
and Christine was showing me the pictures..LOOK AT MY SMILE :D :D

Christine: Hey mag, look at this...
Me: What?

Me: OMG, i look HORRIBLE. (My face changed.)

I was mimicing the ugly picture ^3^ (a cute version tho!) - and Wing is taking pictures again.... ^^

After the beach, we decided to walk back to the market area for some food.

:D YEAH! We were starving..

Potato Salad.. with something(!?) HAHA, i forgot :P who cares, it's yummy!

Fish and chips. (yumm, love fried food a lot.)

Brownie and Vanilla Ice-Cream. (BEST. love it)

Typical Carol post. (hardly find one picture without her "V" on.)

I took this picture, Wing is very seductive, isn't she? ;) hahaha, I am bad :P (maybe she is going to kill me for putting this up? but.. i m sure she doesn't come to my blog often.)

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