
Domon Sapporo Ramen

Friday night, I went out eat with Kio. CORRECT, eat out again. Sigh, what happen to my diet plan... =.= Summer is COMING.. and i want to buy new bikini... :D Anyway, Well, Crazy Kio was my former coworker in LK, she left the office to a new company (=hell) half year ago and we tried to have dinner every month. I haven't see her for almost 2 months, (She looked a lot different than the last time i saw her. more womanly.. lol which is a good thing.. hehe) We postponed our "dinner date" many times, and finally time is setted on Friday. (She was 99% close to going out with Isabel that night (another girl in LK), but I told her YOU PROMISED ME TO EAT WITH ME ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!! *~KILL~* then she went to tell Isabel she had a date with me... lol) (It's funny, last week I thought i was going to eat with her, but she texted me last minute and told me she was in CHINA. O_o, and the week before, I told her i will be out with my girls.... um, seems like it's very hard for us to make time for each other....sigh!)

Anyway, FINALLY we got to see each other. We went to have Japanese Ramen in Langham Place, MK.

I really have nothing to say about the restaurant, we were more into catching up and chat. This was my ramen. (umm. really not much special, just a regular ramen.)

I always have a thing with dumplings, those are yummy. the skin was thin, you can almost see the pork and onion thu the skin. (I guess it's very hard to make crappy dumpling, right? since dumpling is something very easy to make.) - umm, I so want to have some dumpling now. REALLY REALLY CRAVING FOR DUMPLINGS..... I wonder if I organized a dumpling night, will people come and attend my "party"? like making, cooking, and most importantly, EAT them. lol Sigh, I always want to do some cooking with BFF, like what I would do with my girl friends in US, but then, I don't have a kitchen and a place. SIGH, BIG SIGH.

Grills - (From left to right: Chicken Wings, some mushrooms, sausage number 1 and sausage number 2) ok the wings were tasty, (actually i think it's very hard to make crappy wings as well, wings are totally idiot-proof.) Mushrooms were okay, kind of bouncy. but those two grilled sausages thing, it's odd, weird, (Kio didn't even finish the whole thing :P) There's some cartilages kind of stuff in the sausage, it just feels super weird. =.,=
We chatted a lot, about all kind of things, and especially about the big thing happened on Friday night, right before we got off work, THREE girls got laid off on FRIDAY, they have to pack their thing and leave within an hour. HOLLY COW. Everyone in LK was a bit scared, coz this is a bit unexpected. (Someone was joking that those three girls are not cute enough, and they are getting old. lol) anyway, hopefully no one will laid off in this coming year. (most importantly, I won't be fired.. lol guess I really need to play less msn, blogs, and focus more on my work!)

After dinner, we went to have dessert - Cotton shaved ice. This is Mango and yogurt favor, it was okay. I guess we were focus on the chat rather than eating. :D half of the ice melted before i even noticed.

Anyway, it was a great night. It's great to see her and talk to her. (but crazy Kio need to be tame a bit, she spanked my ass in front of the mtr station, my left ass was in pain for at least 1 minutes. =.= and it's in the famous MK MTR station, I believed 100+ eyes were looking at me when she did it..*shy*) (now i kind of think, maybe crazy Kio is in love with me. lol .... jk )

Domon Sapporo Ramen
Address: MK
Tel: 23771557
Style: Japanese
Yum: ✭✭✭✩✩

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