

Wing and I went out on Thursday. I checked openrice all afternoon trying to look for a nice restaurant in TST to go to l, and finally decided to go to the Doraya japanese restaurant (TST). Heard they have some very nice raw tuna bowl.

Raw fish with rice, made me think of the Korean raw fish bibimbap (hae-do-bap) that I love. Joe always took me there (when we were still together.) With the Korean one, they put a lot of vegetables and apple along with salmon, tuna and other kind of raw fish in the rice and mixed them with hot sauce. (like how they do it with bibimbap). Oh, those are really mouth-watering. Maggie loves korean food. However, I have no idea where can I find a shop in HK that have this. :( sigh, I would definitely go back to US just for the Korean food. (why not Korea? Hehe, coz I can't speak Korean.) anyway, no more Korean talk. Let's talk about the Doraya.

Food was okay, this is my "藍鰭吞拿魚扒飯". The rice is a bit soft and sticky, I guess it's bez they used japanese rice? Not bez they put too much water? Anyway, the fish steak was nice, they slightly grilled the steak, and cut it into perfect size. Where I put one in my mouth, the steak was literally melted in my mouth. (wah....) I especially love the sause that goes with the steak, it makes the plain rice perfect. I am not a big fan of green onions, but those sause made green onion tasty. (I really duno why..)(price: HKD$98)

Wing's "鐵板藍鰭吞拿魚飯". Honestly I don't think Wing likes her set, she kept complaining the steak n other stuff, she didn't even finished all her fish. She thinks the fish shld be hot, but come on, it's raw fish bowl, if it's hot, then the fish will be fully cooked, n won't be raw. And her rice didn't have the special sause or green onion, so guess she didn't enjoy as much as i did.

Doraya Japanese RestaurantAddress: TST
Tel: 2366 8072
Style: Japanese
Yum: ✭✭✭✭✩

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