
Iron man 3

this is just sooo cute... 

Hubby is a hardcore Iron man fan. I think he watched all three Iron mans plus the Avengers more than 10 times already, plus the numerous times when he was listening to the movie at work. He literally remembers all the scripts, senses and EVERYTHING. Give him an Iron man quiz, I'm sure he will  get 100% correct easily. (I just can't believe it, I mean who can do it? I bet Tony Stark can't! :/ ) 

When Iron man was about to come out, the release date in Asia was one week earlier than in United States. Hub got upset and frustrated, he was saying how unfair it is to have a different release date and US should get to release first, blah blah blah... I think if we have the time and $, he will want to fly to Taiwan/HK just to watch Iron man 3 a week earlier. HAHA... 

Anyway, we went to watch the movie in old town monrovia on a Friday morning. (Can't believe I need to get up early for a movie. -.-) I like old town monrovia so much, everything is so peaceful and relax in here, there's a coffee house named "Friends". Altho it does not look exactly like the one in Friends, it still has some similar elements.

The theatre opened at 9:45am and we were there at 9:30am *bummer* We waited a bit, got the tickets, we thought there will be a large crowds lining up, but we were wrong. (not many people get the privilege to watch movie on a Friday morning, we are the lucky one. =D) The movie was okay, I would not say it was great. It was so different than what I anticipated. WHAT? Tony Stark has panic attack, just like million of people does. He is so human in this movie, the director took away the superhero factor and made him human again. I come in the theater wanting to see how the Superhero Tony Stark suprises me with all his high-tech shit, how he can use his money to build more advanced robots and stuff, instead I got a human Tony Stark with anxity attact and will constantly freak out just like I did. I guess this is why I do not like this movie.  (I might be wrong) and I think it's Pepper who saved Tony at the end of the movie, isn't  it? Tony Stark seems so weak and useless in this movie. :( 

The Tony Stark I knew is the biggest playboy in the world, he is charming he is cute, he is the superhero and un-defeatable. Somehow in this movie, I do not see that. And the bio-weapon thingy, human body can turn into super high heat and melt away things? This reminds me of the Torch from Fantastic four. Remember at the very beginning of F4. Torch constantly burnt off his shirt when he was on fire. In IM3, why Pepper or the bad guys never burn off any of their clothing? This is just not making any sense to me.

movie: ✭✭✩✩

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