
Happy New Year!

First day of the CNY, I went to TST with Win, Van, Gary and KC for the NY parade, actually i don't really know the name of the parade, so let's just call it the "canton road 2010 parade"... lol
We got there at 6pm, thought it's gonna be packed, just like the NY night market, but it wasn't as crowded as I thought. O_o (kinda disappointed.) The canton road was kinda empty actually.

The parade was supposed to start at 8pm sharp, (cos it was written on their website.) BUT it was delayed for half an hours.....(why?)
so we waited... waited... and waited....
we all were VERY BORED, and sorta ran out of stuff to talk about. We just stood there, hopping for the parade will start immediately.

Good that i brought my camera with me (as usual, so i can write my blog later),
So I could kill some times with pictures.

I actually love how they decorated the streets with those cream and yellow balloons...
It looks very pretty and elegant... Love it. It also reminded me of my college. LBSU is in black and yellow. (Go beach!)
(hey i think this is gonna be the theme color of my wedding. :P)

Maggie was totally bored...
(I was wearing my green contacts..don't think it looks good on me tho. Guess green isn't really my thing, will stick to the grey one.)

Finallllly, sth came out.... at 8:30pm...(damn. we waited for 2.5 hrs :( )
Look at those HUGE balloons.. um, not that cute, just big.

Typical Chinese Dragon Dance, nothing special. Well, if you are Gweilo, or expats, maybe you ll like it, but I grew up watching dragon dance, it's totally boring....

OMG! it's the SAN DIEGO Chargers girls :D
Lived in SD for 4 years, never c any Chargers games (coz I don't watch sports :P) I saw them in HK yesterday, interesting. :D

and the mascots....

More parade cars.. This one is in PINK!
(Win asked me to take pictures of the cars coz it's PINK, i was too tired and bored and sleepy at that moment.)

Van, Gary, KC, Win

We all went to the KT after the parade, and Carmen came join us for drinks.

Thanks for spending my birthday night with me, guys.. Thanks! esp the birthday shout-out at All Night Long.

It was a boring night, wait i mean the parade was pretty boring, but i enjoyed you guys company. <3


damn it , i think we missed the fun part

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