

曾幾何時,太陽承諾會永遠圍著地球轉,永遠的為她提供溫暖的陽光,永遠的圍著地球轉。太陽光每天都溫柔的撫摸著她的小臉,輕輕的親吻著她。 地球在太陽的幸福之下,每天都過得很開心,她覺得自已是全宇宙中最快樂的。愛情下的地球散發著活力,一切都是美好的。


世界忽然暗了下來,四周靜悄悄,靜得彷佛可以聽見自已的呼吸。「只剩下一個人了,太陽走了。」被丟棄的感覺,被欺騙的感覺,孤獨的感覺向地球襲過來,地球只剩下一個了。淚不自覺的流下來,流過大地,淹蓋一切的東西,四周一片死寂。沒有太陽的溫暖,地球的心變冷 ,眼淚成了一層厚厚的冰,彷佛要把所有感覺回憶都埋藏起來。可是,每一下心跳,彷彿都可感覺到太陽留下來的餘溫;每一次呼吸,都一次椎心刺骨的痛。世界很大,宇宙很靜,地球的心很痛,過往的種種甜蜜,都像箭般往她心裡插進去,把她撕裂開....




Dragon boat Festival

Love, how's everything?

I had a really nice dragon boat Festival. In the morning, i had "rice dumpling/ ZongZi" with my family. (uh, those are some really horrible ZongZi. Tasteless, I feel like i was jst eating some very oily sticky rice. :( )

In the afternoon, I met up with Anth, and went to watch "Breakup Club (分手說愛你)" in Kornhill. I want to watch this movie because of Fiona Sit. (i think she is adorable :P don't you think so? ) Actually, i told Anth i wanna watch this movie 2 wks ago, he said okay, but then i kinda regret, because the movie is about "BREAK UP", and I was really scared once i watched this, bad things will happen to me, like a curse. (Sorry I'm superstitious! ) The movie was good, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for those canto speakers! (Can't believe it, Fiona and Jaycee are great great actor n -ress.. They are really good in this movie, I almost think they are real lovers, and they did break up in real life. [well, i never know :S] )

After the movie, we shopped a bit in Kornhill store. and this is what Chef Anth made tonight. :)

Grilled Shrimp with sea salt on top.. (Yummmm..)

Lambs with herbs. (yum yum yummmmmm....)

and veggie. (we love veggie!) and this is not some regular veggie, this is fresh organic veggie and it's imported from Japan (when there's 2 bags of veggies costed less than $10, this bag costed more than $35, wow it's rlly expensive! but it's totally worth it, because it tastes so different, it's more fresh and sweet.)

<3 I had a g8t night tonight. :) Hope Anth enjoyed it as well. :)