
Pho Hao Vietnamese Restaurant

Finally, I don't need to OT (okay, it was because i don't want to.) actually when I was about to leave the office, Cheryl came in and she was holding lots of paper, she gave me a surprised look when she saw me with my bag. I told her I HAVE TO GO, not gonna stay for another COUPLE hours coz i was really tired.....blah blah blah. Haha i was bullshiting.

wait, talk about OT (I think i lost that Taxi receipt. >< shit, i really hope i can find it tomorrow, so i can claim that 70 bucks.)

Anyway, it was raining badly when i got off. and i bumped into Big boss and small boss's wife outside the office. (SHIT! They caught me leaving on time!) It was super embarrassed. I mean why I always bump into those "important people". Sigh, just like in the afternoon, i ran into those sales managers from SZ and we had some awkward moment. (My PR skill is really bad.)

Anyway, I left, was going to meet with Ant in CWB for some vietnamese food. :) I took the bus, there's huge traffic, and the bus wasn't moving at all. I mean literally NOT MOVING AT ALL. we stopped at one place for nearly 15 minutes. Other passagners started to wonder what's going on. I was starving, Ant called and asked what happened. (Sorry! i know i was always late. It so-not-me. *cough cough* i mean... i don't want to be late, but once in a while.... um, it's all bez of the RAIN..) Got there at 7:40 sth. :( Ant was already there, WAITING for me. SORRRRY!

Here is the place, it's called Pho Hao. It was owned by a friend of mine *wink wink*
so of course i need to write about this, and kind of promote a little bit here. :P

Fish sauce and Chicken Rice Noodle

Seriously! those are some very yummy chickens. 2 thumbs up!

Beef cake and beef stew rice noodle

the beef cake is actually v. nice...

my drink - duno if this has an official english name, let's call it 3-color-ice. haha

Mr. you-know-who
Last time it was from the back, this time it was side view.
Maybe next time it will get to the front, Haha, now i love this game!
(He looks absolutely cute with his face covered. :P right?)

Done and full......Happy and satisfied :)

Pho Hao Vietnamese Restaurant
Address: 45 Tang Lung Street, CWB
Telephone: 2575 8677


Beach Partie

Beach Party on Saturday was great, but I think I went too far and made a stupid mistake.
(Sorry not gonna say it here..) sigh. i m such an idiot. Really really stupid.

anyway, here are some of the pictures.

Vanessa & Winnie

Vanessa & Me

Winnie / Gary / Me / Vanessa

Once again, i need to say sorry for those who worried about me, and sorry for making sucha bad entrance, I hope I still have chance to fix it. Sigh, altho i know I'm pretty screwed. Sigh~



ok, didn't really write anything for almost a week.. lol, because I was busy, n not in a mood for writing or doing anything. Umm, but I think I still did a lot of things.
let's see what's going on in my life:

[1] Darts
I played DARTS for the first time in my life at a bar. WOW! It was really really FUN. YES, I think i did quite good altho it was my first time. ;) To be very honest, I'm not sure how to aim, I feel like every times i aimed, then i throw it out, it just went completely off. But surprisingly it hits the target most of the time, and i DID hit the bull eyes for a few times....guess it was *beginner's luck!* Seriously, that's so fun. but then when i got home, my sister was complaining i smells really bad bez of the smoke. Oh who cares, i rlly can't wait to go back again. :D Maybe after a few more practices, i can beat all those guys. (well, it's not gonna happened i think @@" but still HOPING..n u know what, I m competitive. ) Anyway umm, so when are we going for another around of darts??

Anthony aka mr. you know who (lol)
haha, picture from the back. (He looks rlly handsome from this angle :P, agree?)
Want to see his face, want to see how he looks like??
muhahaha, maybe later. :P
(keep coming back for more... haha, this is one of my way to get my blog's traffic up. )

One of my moment!!
I BEAT the guys!!!!! Look at this, I was the PLAYER 2, and I BEAT ANTHONY and STEPHEN, I was the winner!!! OMG OMG OMG, i was sooo excited at that time, coz i beat them. (Altho i think they just let me win to make me feel good.) anyway, I WIN!! Can you believe it? I WIN!!! I BEAT THE GUYS! :P OMG, i still cannot believe it.

By the way, can you tell me when you darn machine captured this "ugly picture of me". :( so now every time i showed people my victory, i have to show them this pic as well, WHY?? why can't you take pic of me when i m all ready. WHY?

Some nicer shot of the bar (oh well, i didn't take those pictures, Openrice did - n I assume it means those staffs from C3 did. :P)

For those who is interested in playing darts, here are some informations about the bar:
Name: C3
Address: Floor 15 Henry House, 42 Yun Ping Road, Cwb
Phone: 2838 2414

[2] Thai Boxing
Try my first thai boxing class on Sunday, it was fun/ exhausting. and i can beat the cute trainer up. XD BUT after a full hour class, my arms and back was SORE for whole three days. umm, and my next class is this sunday, wait, maybe i will postpone it to next week, ><"

[3] Makeup
For the makeup class, I guess I'm improving finally, called up Kio for my last minute model (Shit, I really out of girl friend to use.) anyway, i think I did quite well, and i successfully changed three makeups within 3 hrs. (ANNIE LAM, I DID IT.)

HAHA, those picture aren't that CUTE, (Look at my huge eye bag under my eyes!!! umm, but i heard this is good for LOVE life, and i really hope so! :P ) but this happened every times we see each other, we made funny face and took pictures! ooo, i miss you KIO. Long King is hiring, come back and work with MEEEE.

oh right, I also played bowling with Matt, David and Winnie on Sunday. I did badly, so i didn't take any pictures.



Sorry people, haven't update my blog for almost a month, this month has been the most...dramatic period in my life (so far). my emotion was like going thu a light speed rollllllla-costa, but it's all good now. :) Everything is good now. never better.

It feels amazing to love and be loved. ;) I m blessed.
and hope its gonna last. :/