
Happy Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday! = Happy Ladies Night! = Happy Free-drink Night! = Happy freakin drama - bumped into someone we were trying to avoid - fun Night!

My dearest girls...
Jodie, Win, Van
(hey girls, this one looks fine right? Stop saying Iphone can't take good picture in the dark! Iphone ROCKS!)

I think Win n Dav made another bet on the other day, if WIN DRINKS in this week, she loses..
so.... lolz.

Anyway, we were at Agave around 10, enjoying our free strawberry margarita. A girl we knew walked in the bar and she was very drunk. (ok, actually we were talking about her 2 minutes ago. u know, gossiping.. LOL) The good thing for a Hong Kong Wednesday is if you are a girl who love alcohol, you can go to either LKF, Wanchai, or TST for free stuff. and there's like 3 or 4 bars in Wanchai that has ladies Night. so obviously when she walked in, she was pretty DRUNK. (heard she got like 10+ drinks already. and Agave was her last bar.) and it's a bit troublesome when you have to deal with drunk people, she kept saying how much she loves us, and how much she misses us. I think she mentioned she got a job yesterday 5 times, and we have hang out in the future for another 10 times, and we ditched her for another 20 times and she loves us for million times... :S ummm...

Girls Night out was fun, especially when you bumped into a very drunk girl.

btw, Jodie's wisdom of the night: "I am drunk but I am sober".
it was hilarious! but i kinda got what she meant.

PS: i am so freakin broke lately (coz of some family issue), so i can only go out on Wed or Thur for those cheap alcohol. If you are asking me out on any day besides those days, you'd better buy me drinks or I will show up with a long "cute" face! ;)


Gross dessert ever!

*gonna write more about my first War Game experience later!*

bad ass mags...

guys: Matt and David

look at me!

oophs, it hurts...!!

I was really tired after the game, so probably this will be my first and last war game.


I have to work today, yes! it's Saturday!
but no one in our room has to work, so... basically ((i'm not working....))
I browse tho company's database, and trying to look for any interesting thing...(I'm bored~ lol)
i found a picture, MY PICTURE!!!




My Saturday

Since Daniel is going back to UK next week, I brought him to a very well known pork chop place in Wanchai for lunch. They have some very famous curry pork chop, and my bro loves those thing, he can eat those for the rest of his life (I guess). The restaurant was in the middle of Wan-chai market, we kinda lost for a bit, (sorry I wasn't very good at direction), and with the help of google map, we finally arrived the restaurant. It wasn't a very big place, we had to sit with some strangers. I always found this very strange, I guess this is HK traditional thing. We ordered Curry Pork Chop Rice and Sweet Tomato Pork Chop Rice. This Pork Chops were really nice, the crust was very crispy and the pork was juicy and soft. I love it very much! :D I tried some of Daniel's curry, and it was nice too!

*a bit messy, coz I took this picture after we started :P*

Curry Pork Chop Rice ($50)

Sweet Tomato Pork Chop Rice ($50)

Restaurant: 新景園咖哩小廚 (Sun King Yuen Curry Restaurant)

After lunch, we went back home for some TVs and facebook-ing (since we don't have anything to do), and we took some "absolute-silly" pictures at home!

In the evening, I went for my first makeup class in YMT.
I always want to be a makeup artist. I did have some cosmetic expensive before, but i always want to go to professional school and learn some real skills. lol As I mentioned in my NY Resolution, I want to learn new things, and do new stuff. I took the move and called this girl and asked for the makeup class. and the DEAL is DONE! :)
My teacher looks really young, but she did some theatre shows, some commercials before; and she is also working with some HK artists right now. I think she is good :).
She is my first model: Winnie. (To be honest, I didn't exactly finish her makeup, I just did her skin tone (altho the teacher said I did good on my first class lol)..) Anyway, I am very much looking forward for my second class.

I went to LKF after the class, my mom was pissed at me because she doesn't like me going out at night.
Sigh, I need some drinks!

Chris, Vanessa, Me, Simon
(Winnie took this picture for us, THANKS WIN!)

We danced, drank, acted crazy for the whole night, Carmen came join us at around 3 (!?), (it's a bit sad when I heard Car fell down and twisted her ankle. ;S)

It was a fun night. ;)